Sunday, August 31, 2014

Saber Spark Steps Up

     I must say, I was very impressed with a video that Saber Spark came out with. Ponies vs Critics Round 2 blew me away with Sabers willingness to admit that what he said came off wrong. I applaud anyone who can admit when they have made a mistake, especially when they are dealing with people who latch onto every mistake they make as a way to try and throw gasoline on a fire that's hard to put out to begin with. His previous video, How to deal with haters and trolls, essentially labeled any MLP:FIM detractors as such, which he points out was unfair, seeing as how you don't have to be either to just not like bronies or the show in general. Most would have stuck to their guns come hell or high water, but Saber Spark made a video rectification, admitting he had been unfair in his wording, but still reinforcing that the best way to deal with malicious and negative behavior is to simply ignore it. 
     Don't just shun neigh-sayers, if they have legitimate concerns or questions, then an honest and respectful dialog can be established. We love this show, and we love our community, the least we can do is practice the love and tolerance that we preach. By no means am I saying that you should roll over to bullies, but we have no reason to acquiesce to sad and angry people who feed off negativity from behind a computer monitor. I hope any of you who have been having trouble with any sort of negativity for simply being a Brony, will check out Saber Sparks old, and new videos.

                                             Stay calm, and pony on. (Bro-Hoof!)

                                                             Ponies vs Critics

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