Saturday, October 4, 2014


     One day, as I was checking around YouTube for new Brony content, I came across a new PMV. I didn't really like the looks of it, as it was a cover of a Michael Jackson song. I'm not a huge fan of Mr. Jackson, but it was done by an artist I enjoy immensely. I decided that if AnimatedJames took the time to put this together, that I would be a good Brony, and at least give a look. I was aw struck to say the least. I had no idea the monster that I was unleashing that day.

      I watched the BEAT IT PMV over, and over, and over. I still make it a daily habit to get at least one viewing in, simply because it makes me grin like an idiot. I love seeing all the OC's interacting with the cannon characters, and the singing is absolutely superb. I can't praise Black Gryph0n and MichelleCreber for their performance enough, and the background art is a feast for the eyes. Granted, you may not get some of the references without being a regular in the fandom, but I can't see anyone who watches this without any previous prejudice not being blown away by the love and care put into it by everypony involved. 
     I don't know how many people reading this wouldn't have heard of this already, but If not, I recommend it with all of the fan boy vigor I can muster. If you end up liking what you see as much as I do, please subscribe to AnimatedJames's channel and follow him on Google+ to show him support so he can keep releasing these kinds of PMV gold. Don't forget to check out the channels of the many wonderful people who where involved in this amazing endeavor

     Please comment with any suggestions that you may have for Brony artists that you would like to see given recognition.

                                         As always, stay calm, and pony on. (Bro-Hoof!)

                                         .Click here to check out the BEAT IT PMV.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Project Thundercloud II

     Minty Root's Project Thundercloud II, is a fan animation staring some of the beloved background ponies of MLP:FIM. I enjoyed this video for the most part. One problem I have is with minor script errors, such as that when referring to the elements of harmony, their main goal is to “find them back”. I know this doesn't seem like much, but it sounds supremely strange among all the other roughly grammatically correct lines. What had me listening for this, was that Celestia says it in the opening, and it just stuck out so much coming from a 1000 year old plus prim and proper magical scholar. I also noticed that the script doesn't have many, if any, abbreviated words. This lends to making the characters feel robotic, and a little too similar in dialog. I still don't think this breaks the animation, just that this needs to be rectified in later projects.

     The Doctor's lines where VERY rushed, almost like he was on the verge of hysterics, or had to finish the lines quickly because he was in the middle of the pee pee dance. This mixed with some jerky panning shots, served to take me out of the story. I by no means am hating on Minty Root or any of the collaborators of this video. I hope to see many things from them in the future, but they need to ask others in the brony community for critiques, and tips on how to fix the choppy animation. If they had cut some of the dead spots out between the scenes where music just stops for a little to long, they could have kept the pacing far more engaging, and not broke the immersion quite so often.

     I recommend checking this video out, and leaving some encouraging words for the creators, because I see a diamond in the rough here.

                                                 Stay calm, and pony on. (Bro-Hoof!)

                                                         Project Thundercloud II

Saber Spark Steps Up

     I must say, I was very impressed with a video that Saber Spark came out with. Ponies vs Critics Round 2 blew me away with Sabers willingness to admit that what he said came off wrong. I applaud anyone who can admit when they have made a mistake, especially when they are dealing with people who latch onto every mistake they make as a way to try and throw gasoline on a fire that's hard to put out to begin with. His previous video, How to deal with haters and trolls, essentially labeled any MLP:FIM detractors as such, which he points out was unfair, seeing as how you don't have to be either to just not like bronies or the show in general. Most would have stuck to their guns come hell or high water, but Saber Spark made a video rectification, admitting he had been unfair in his wording, but still reinforcing that the best way to deal with malicious and negative behavior is to simply ignore it. 
     Don't just shun neigh-sayers, if they have legitimate concerns or questions, then an honest and respectful dialog can be established. We love this show, and we love our community, the least we can do is practice the love and tolerance that we preach. By no means am I saying that you should roll over to bullies, but we have no reason to acquiesce to sad and angry people who feed off negativity from behind a computer monitor. I hope any of you who have been having trouble with any sort of negativity for simply being a Brony, will check out Saber Sparks old, and new videos.

                                             Stay calm, and pony on. (Bro-Hoof!)

                                                             Ponies vs Critics

Lets talk Art

      In the Brony community, there are a multitude of outstanding artist of many different ilks. There are musicians, animators, writers, illustrators, reviewers, and even more who have found their own unique creation styles. They bring a passion to bare that awes many, (including myself), and in turn draws out the creative spark in some of their audience as well. Regardless of whether you are a brony yourself or not, you can't deny the massive impact that brony culture has brought to the online world. From Deviant Art, Tumblr, to YouTube, even those with no intentions of finding anything MLP, will most likely come across something that has been ponified at some point or another. I would like to point out some of these talented individuals, so that they can receive the support that they need from their fellow bronies and pegasisters, so they can keep bringing us new and imaginative takes on the pony lore that we love so much.

     So I invite you at any point, to tell me about any Brony artist that you think deserves recognition. I may be elbow deep in our rich online community as a fan myself, but I can't find everything on my own. So please, comment or message any suggestions you may have. There are a lot of amazing individuals out there, and hopefully I will be able to introduce you to some that you haven't found yet.  

     The first Brony I would like to talk about is a song writer, and lyricist called Crimson Brony. He collaborates with many other talented bronies in some truly iconic videos on his YouTube channel. Some of these videos include Rainbow Factory, September, 20% Cooler, and Awoken. Crimson Brony is pretty well known among established Bronies, but if you are new to the fandom, or are just now being drawn in by the rich sub culture, you could definitely stay busy by visiting Crimson's YouTube page, and the pages of his friends.

     I see a lot of the videos that Crimson has on his page are collaborations, and some are songs that his friends have done that are now animated on his page. So when you visit Crimson Brony, be sure to do a quick search of the other artists in the songs that you like. In this way, you can quickly fill your subscriptions list with wonderful talent that keeps giving.

     If you yourself are an artist, or are aspiring, and would like me to take a look at your work so I can discuss it, please message and or comment. I will be able to do more in depth writing if I get to speak to the artist them selves, so please don't be shy. I will be looking for suggestions as to who I should talk about later, but if no one comes forward, I will keep plugging on with artists I know myself.

                                            Thank you for taking the time to visit.
                                            Stay calm, and pony on. (Bro-hoof!)

                                   Click here to check out Crimson Brony's YouTube channel.