Saturday, October 4, 2014


     One day, as I was checking around YouTube for new Brony content, I came across a new PMV. I didn't really like the looks of it, as it was a cover of a Michael Jackson song. I'm not a huge fan of Mr. Jackson, but it was done by an artist I enjoy immensely. I decided that if AnimatedJames took the time to put this together, that I would be a good Brony, and at least give a look. I was aw struck to say the least. I had no idea the monster that I was unleashing that day.

      I watched the BEAT IT PMV over, and over, and over. I still make it a daily habit to get at least one viewing in, simply because it makes me grin like an idiot. I love seeing all the OC's interacting with the cannon characters, and the singing is absolutely superb. I can't praise Black Gryph0n and MichelleCreber for their performance enough, and the background art is a feast for the eyes. Granted, you may not get some of the references without being a regular in the fandom, but I can't see anyone who watches this without any previous prejudice not being blown away by the love and care put into it by everypony involved. 
     I don't know how many people reading this wouldn't have heard of this already, but If not, I recommend it with all of the fan boy vigor I can muster. If you end up liking what you see as much as I do, please subscribe to AnimatedJames's channel and follow him on Google+ to show him support so he can keep releasing these kinds of PMV gold. Don't forget to check out the channels of the many wonderful people who where involved in this amazing endeavor

     Please comment with any suggestions that you may have for Brony artists that you would like to see given recognition.

                                         As always, stay calm, and pony on. (Bro-Hoof!)

                                         .Click here to check out the BEAT IT PMV.